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Some steps parents can take

Stop Smoking Around Baby

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has long been associated with women who smoke during pregnancy. A recent study by the National Center for Health Statistics demonstrates that women who quit smoking but then resumed smoking after delivery put their babies at risk for SIDS, too. Findings from the survey show that babies exposed to smoke only after birth were twice as likely to do from SIDS then those whose mothers did not smoke at all. And, constant smoke exposure both during pregnancy and after pregnancy tripled a babys risk for SIDS.

Use Firm Bedding Materials

In response to recent research, the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission has issued a series of advisories for parents on the hazards posed to infants sleeping on beanbag cushions, sheepskins, foam pads, foam sofa cushions, synthetic filled adult pillows and foam pads covered with comforters. Waterbeds should also be avoided. Parents are advised to use a firm, flat mattress in a safety approved crib for their babys sleep.

Avoid Overheating your baby, especially when your baby is ill.

SIDS has been associated with the presence of colds and infections, although colds are not more common among babies who die of SIDS, than babies in general. Now, research indicates that overheating- too much clothing, too heavy bedding, and too warm a room- may greatly increase the risk of SIDS for a baby with a cold or infection. Signs that your baby may be overheated include, sweating, damp hair, heat rash, rapid breathing, restlessness, and sometimes fever. To help your baby regulate his or her temperature, some pediatricins recommend maintaining consistent indoor temperature of 68-70 degrees Fahrenheit; and dressing your baby in as much or as little as you would wear.

If Possible Breast-Feed your baby

Studies by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development show that babies who died of SIDS were less likely to be breastfed. Potential advantages to breast-feeding your baby include prevention of gastrointestinal and respiratory illness, infections and certain immunologic disorders.

Other Important Factors

Statistics tell us that seasonally (i.e. cold weather months), maternal age (the younger the mother, the greater the risk), and babys sex (i.e. boys are at higher risk then girls), are among factors that must be considered. Babys age is another factor. SIDS occurs most freqently in infants 2-4 months of age. We also know that there is a higher incidence of SIDS for premature infants and low birthweight infants, twins and triplets. Maintaining good prenatal care and constant communication with your babys doctor about changes in your babys behavior and health are of the utmost importance.

Reducing The Risk For SIDS, Some Steps Parents Can Take.

1. Place your baby on the back to sleep.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthy infants be placed on their backs or sides to reduce the risk for SIDS. Specifically:

A suspine position, where an infant is completely on his/her back, carries the lowest risk of SIDS, side sleeping also lowers the risk of potentially life-threatening breathing problems, and is a "reasonable" alternative to "stomache down sleeping".

Infants should not have soft pillows or surfaces while sleeping, which have the potential to trap air.

The sleeping position is recommended for healthy infants. Some pediatricians may recomment that babies with certain medical conditions or birth defects need to sleep in the prone or face down position.

The recommendation is intended for sleeping infants. Indeed, a certain amount of time spent in the stomache down position is recommended for infants who are awake and being watched.

These recommendations are considered to be primarily important during the first 6 months of age, when a babies risk of SIDS is greatest. Parents should discuss these recommendations with their babys doctors.

The side position has in general been considered less effective then suspine position because it is less stable, and some infants rolling from the side will end up sleeping prone. The only specific and objective data in this regard was reported at the June International Conference by Peter Fleming (Avon,UK). He reported that the relative risk of SIDS when sleeping on the side is double the risk of SIDS when sleeping supine. We do not currently have any data on this question in the US; nevertheless, I am in full agreement that we should recommend only the supine position for sleeping. That is, although side appears to be much better then prone, it is not as effective as supine sleeping. I hope this is helpful.
Carl E. Hunt, MD
Toledo/Washington D.C.